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Daily Bread 1-19-17

1 Timothy 4:16

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

This whole chapter is filled with instruction and information. At the beginning Paul tells Timothy of those to watch out for. Not people, but seducing Spirits in people. He continues on to tell Timothy that profanity and wive's fables were not to be taken as doctrine. Then, he tells Timothy to stay in the doctrine in which he had been raised up, the Bible doctrine in Jesus Christ. Now, he told Timothy that he would have to work at it, and that many would tell him how wrong he was but to stick with his faith in the living God. He tells Timothy to command and teach from the word of God and not to waver from it. Not only to command and teach but to live by it as an example. No matter how new or young he was, or how little he knew, that it was not reason for him to stop or be discouraged and not to forget what God had put in him when he was ordained. He told Timothy to keep his mind on the things of God and what God had given him and that he would be a very profitable servant. This brings us to the verse of scripture for today. Take heed unto thyself. We must always take heed unto ourselves first before we think that we can help others. Our own lives and our own beliefs must be accompanied by similar actions and achievements. Take heed unto the doctrine. Learn the Bible and what it means. Not mans explanation but learn it through prayer and reading it in the Spirit. So, summed up and in the end, if we pay attention to our own Spiritual lives and understand what the true doctrine is that we are to teach and live by, the rest will be provided for us. We will be saved and others around us will be saved as well!! So, now it is time to sweep our own porches and make sure that what we are preaching and teaching and learning are in parallel with the word of God and understanding in the Holy Ghost. And not only preaching and teaching and learning but living it as well. No wives fables, no traditions, no psychology, no tender feelings, but sound doctrine. God did not create us to fail, this is something we picked up from the world. So let us get on track and stay on track, leaving that which is behind us, behind us, and letting God guide us on into a place where we can be useful and saved. Have a great day!!!

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