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Daily Bread 11-13-17

Luke 19:2-5

2 And behold, there was a man named Zachaeus, which was chief among the publicans, and he was rich.

3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature.

4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.

A little effort by a little man and his whole life changed. This was not a poor and desolate man in the world. No, he was a wealthy man. He had gone out and tamed the ways of the world and had made his money. But there was a big something that he could not buy or acquire. You see he had heard about Jesus. A man who could bring healing at the whisper of his breath and make the storms to calm at the sound of his voice, salvation in the blink of an eye. A man who had power that no other man had. As much as Zachaeus had aquired and as much power as he had been given, he had not laid hold on what this Jesus Christ had to offer. So, as not only a wealthy man, but a smart man as well, he went after what he was seeking. He knew that if he wanted something that he had to step out and do what was necessary to get it. So at the expense of being ridiculed and laughed at, and at the expense of giving up his riches and his power, he climbed this tree. As Jesus was passing by he noticed him in the tree and went to him. He went with him to his house and Zachaeus let Jesus know that whatever he had to do to gain his favour he would do. He was willing to give up his riches, and he was willing to make right with those who he had mistreated. Zachaeus knew that what Christ could give him was worth more than anything that he had gotten in the world. He wanted God's favor to come upon him and his house. And by seeking him out and denying himself he received all that he was searching for. Salvation came to his house when Jesus walked through the doors! What a great story and a great example of how we can find all that we are seeking if we just seek out Jesus. Put our pride, our wealth, our possessions aside and even be willing to give them up for Christ to just come in to our houses. We can have this great salvation if we just seek out the one who holds it in his hand. If we need help in our lives, we have the opportunity to go to Church and learn of him. We can go to prayer and call on him but we must first put aside all of the distractions of the world and do what is necessary to see him. Each day that we live on this earth is a day that Jesus is passing by and all we have to do is call on him. He is attent to our prayer and he will give us what we want of we will become obedient to him and believe in him. Understand that if he says to turn left, we turn left in faith, knowing that he will not misguide us but lead us into success and eternal life. So go climb that tree and seek him out while he is still passing by! Believe in him and receive what he is offering(salvation). Put your things on hold and go to him. Let him have control of the situation. Allow him into your house, and let him clean it(sanctification). Before long, he will abide there forever in that his Holy Ghost will possess our Spiritual houses and we will be able to endure to the end of this world and on into eternity having what the word cannot offer but all that God does offer!!! Have a great day!!!

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